BIMStreamer System Architecture
bird's eye perspective
Understanding the concept
BIMStreamer is not just a single tool but a complete ecosystem responsible for the whole process of BIM/CAD content management, starting from data collection through content generation, validation, versioning and publishing, ending on collecting information on how content is being used by the AEC sector.
Download BrochureConnecting to PIM, PDM, PLM, ERP and/or EXCEL
Let us connect BIMStreamer Backoffice to your product information so you could use Single-Source-of-Truth approach within your BIM content
Combining data and geometry
Make sure that product information is automatically injected to all of your BIM libraries
Quality assurance and Versioning
Automatically verify quality of the generated content and version it
Publishing content and collecting statistics
Control where and when you want to publish your content and who can access it. Collect information on how your content is being used by others
Designers Architects Constructor